Thursday 6 February 2014

26-08-13 Fire Lighting

Well after a great day out on Dartmoor (Check previous post) 

The next day I received a text from John asking how my fire lighting skills are ? Well to be truthfull I haven't lit a fire in 10 years unless using matches but the knowledge was still In my mind like it was only yesterday. Well I replayed with the only response I thought was best "yeah all good, do it all the time" But after I clicked the send button it then hit me ! Ow God where is my firelighting kit ????

 Well after a good hunt through my kit I found it at the bottom of my bag and still full with kinderling. Well I got all my stuff ready and left ready to be there early to get stuff prepped.

I met John and the rest of the scouts at the hut the sun was still out and warm. A perfect day to do so me firelighting John brought his car into the open area and opened the back door to then have a mountain of wood fall out with a CRASH ! 

Flag break was done and the wood was dishes out to each patrol. Ready to get going and being eager as ever it got my fire up and going in under 5 mins and then one done I was happy with my achievement I moved on to help some of them struggling. Well after passing on some advise and knowledge they started to pick it up pretty quick.

This point I knew that I want to do this full-time try help as many of the kids as I can. 

As the evening progressed on and they started to get more familiar with the things they were doing. They started to come across with better questions like can you do other things to start fires. And how can you start one without a flint and steel, matches or even a lighter and that's when I started trying to explain the theory of a firebow. So the older ones got the idea of what I'm saying. BUT the younger ones still thought that the bow was the type being Indians used. At the end of the day it did get there heads around it. I did have to draw a couple of diagrams. But as camps turn up they do end up having the chance to practice again and see if they remember what we taught them. Well we will soon find that out. 

And also check myself out on...




So please come back and check out my other posts. 

Thank you.

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